Friday, January 1, 2010



Poor Payton. The dearly loved Golden of the family was a champ for dealing with the boisterous pace of a two- and five-year old for two days. He held his own, retreating to this stock still position, yet his eyes were always on duty. Of course, the look he is giving me appears to be, and bear with me because I don't speak canine, "Come on, people! How long are you people going to be here?!"

One of Jack's many allergies is dog, and so I have to wonder if it's an incredible coincidence that he shows absolutely no symptoms around Payton. He can bury his face into Payton's wonderfully thick, flaxen coat, reposing like a wet noodle, and pop up with pure joy on his face. What a gift!
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  1. How could anyone be allergic to such a beautiful creature. You already know how I feel - there is nothing like curling up with your favorite four legged friend. It makes for a wonderful day!!! Hope Payton has gotten caught up on sleep!

  2. This is very timely for me. We have a 13 1/2 year-old beagle, who runs the house. We had the gransons here this weekend (1 and 3). She was so patient, she let them pile toys on her, pet her, curl up next to her...the entire time giving me that look like, "make them go away"!
