Saturday, February 14, 2009



Oh yes, I did. I dressed my kid up like our sixteenth president. This is the kind of stuff that teachers-turned-SAHM dream about. All you need is two pieces of black construction paper, scissors, clear tape, and well-practiced trumpeted wah, wah, wah voice.

Actually, Jack received my history lesson with grace--most likely because he got to wear props. Happy Birthday, Abe.

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  1. Love it! Wish I had been that clever this week.

  2. Wow - do I see you in this photo of Abe! Really jumped out at me.

  3. Not to question the cuteness of the stovepipe and beard, but the picture of Jack -- just Jack -- is one of the best I have ever seen you do. His expression -- eyes, slight smile, head angle -- is just incredible. This is what I have talked about before -- capturing the split-second essence of him -- you did it. Really, really well done, Jen.
