Tuesday, January 27, 2009



I slowly pass Vilas Beach every week; in the winter, it's truly the road less traveled around here. In a couple months, the zoo, on the other side of the beach, will be littered with grime-free school buses, teachers leading long, wild kid chains, and mothers doing their best imitation of monkeys, bears, & lions. These moms and teachers appear to be personal cheerleaders for the entire animal kingdom, eking out every sound and action with grand gestures and facial expressions. The carousel will be orbiting and melodious, the animals curious and chatty, an irretrievable red balloon may dot the sky. There will surely be laughter, joyous shrieking, and make no mistake, there will also be wailing.

There was no such cacophony today. Stillness.

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1 comment:

  1. This picture and the description send a bit of a chill down my spine. It has been so cold recently and this beach reminds me of warmer weather. I can just picture this beach on a warm day and the sounds of children playing. This pictures reminds me of how far away summer seems right now.
