Sunday, January 25, 2009


We were having one of those Need to Leave the Premises kind of days, but it was five (degrees) and really not much to do. When John needed to run into Bascom for second, we all insisted on going with him. In.Sis.Ted. As we headed up Observatory Drive, I thought Allen Centennial Gardens had never looked so sorrowful. I shot about 30 frames in the twelve minutes I was in there (and my fingers are still cold four hours later), and thought I would be using a close-up of the old vines on the pergola. Once I loaded them, John and I both immediately settled on this one. It has a story to tell.

The longer I look at this photograph, the more I think maybe it's really just in a state of quietness, tranquility, if you will, and enjoying its winter solitude, patiently waiting for summer.

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1 comment:

  1. I am amazed as always with your gifts. You write like a writer, photograph like a photographer and mother like some sort of saint. You have captured many wonderful moments and I can't wait to see the next year!

    Love you,
