Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Crumby Goodness


Jack and I made orange-cranberry scones this afternoon. He's actually quite skilled at assembling the ingredients & utensils, measuring, whisking, kneading. He also has an entertaining running commentary while we work. Interestingly, the project is abandoned when the first baking sheet hits the oven rack. Sure, he comes around to check the progress, take in some free sniffs on the cooling wire, and have a couple samples. Apparently, it's enough for him that the cleaning lady oversees the wash and dry session.

I changed the f-stop to 5.6, which allows the scone in the front to be in focus while the others are not. I didn't change the color or tone afterward, but I preset the white balance to tungsten.
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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! The depth-of-field makes a huge difference. Makes me hungry.
