Sunday, November 22, 2009

Scarlet Letters

6:21 p.m.

I came home from Boston Sunday night to find Jack sporting a solid, frightening 104.2 temperature. Within 20 minutes of my arrival, we were on guard duty for the vomit, which entails buckets, cleaning products, blankets, and top-speed reflexes. Eleven pukes, glassy-eyed, and twelve hours later, we received a tentative over-the-phone diagnosis from the emergency pediatric service: strep throat. We held out until the the regular pediatrician's office opened, got a wickedly fast appointment, and after John carried him into the office (oh yes, carried), we received a diagnosis ala Little Women and Little House on the Prairie: Scarlet Freaking Fever!

I'm most grateful to those British scientists in 1977 who invented amoxicillin. Seriously, what a difference a day made.
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1 comment:

  1. Love this! the jagged black script seems to capture the spirit of the antiquated 'scarlet fever'
