1:01 p.m.
We have been living in a persistent state of The Doldrums for weeks; the sky appears incapable of moving off the black-white color spectrum and rain, for the love of all things holy, the rain Just.Won't.Stop. To illustrate the grayness of our existence, this shot of our lovely spider and, behind it, the bony, leafless mass of the ugliest tree on the street, is actually in color. Most serious, folks.
We were like that for weeks and then the sun came out (just for a day or 2, it is raining again)and it made so much difference in how I was feeling. Hang in there...it will happen.
this spider is FREAKY - but you know how I feel about spideys in general. regarding the weather - it is TOO EARLY for us to get into our winter funk. i will not let this oh.so.crappy weather get the best of me....until AT LEAST december.