Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pass a Tissue, Please


There are several of us moms who are sending their oldest child to Kindergarten in the fall. And the collective theme in the group this summer appears to be Where Did My Baby Go? Take this shot and these two lads. They have been in each other's presence since they were about eight weeks old. They are their best selves together, truly. So, it shouldn't surprise me that midpoint in a marathon playdate I hear....nothing. They had found a game, opened the directions, and were skillfully taking turns and complimenting each other's spins without a single parental prompt. Heart: Swell. Weepy goodness. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Lots of weepy goodness! Great summary of our great boys. It has been amazing watching them grow together. (Despite their wardrobe, it was July when this picture was taken!)
