Wednesday, December 2, 2009



Next year, if I do anything remotely similar to this enormity of this project, I'm going to have themes or projects within projects...or something. However it comes together, for sure, there will be an Ode to John category.
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  1. I don't know if you post a bunch of things at once, or if they just come into my feed at once...but, I look at them all. I learned who Justin Roberts is...was reminded of the picture taking days when the kids were around. We actually continued that even when they were in college. Somewhere I figured out that a picture taken on summer vacation, or simply a great candid during the fall made for a wonderful card. It also lacked the matching sweater/dress and the tears. The sunset...perfection, the husband...cute, the boys...precious.

  2. Looks like this makes photo #335. You are in the home stretch of your amazing year long project. Only 30 left to go...

  3. Hi, it's a very great blog.
    I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
    Keep doing!
