Thursday, October 8, 2009


3:24 p.m.

So, here is my 16-year-old. You see how he has his hand stuffed in his pocket, maybe jingling some loose change, rocking backward on his heels. Going to send him out for milk and eggs.

Geez, now, where is that brick for his cute little head? Time to slow down there, Jack. My proud, swelling heart can't take your Bigness all the time.

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  1. It goes so fast. You are so busy being busy...and then they are gone. This is such a great photo, it could be a magazine shot.


  2. Normally I think that curls make a little boy look younger, but....I can exactly see what you are describing. Jack being all teenager-like with his slightly uncombed hair, giving you the 'oh come on mom - stop taking my picture' grin, grabbing a quick snack before running to some practice - and unknowingly turning the heads/hearts of teenage girls. God how I wish we could slow time.
