Friday, October 2, 2009

Behold! The Laser Boat!

1:56 p.m.

Jack has been meticulously, continuously affixing Lego pieces, truly understanding and respecting that it is a Work in Progress kind of architectural project. I chose this shot over the one displaying the boat's tightly layered shapes of vibrant and strikingly complimentary primary colors. This one, plucked from the queue for its darkness, its light, its stained-glass appeal.

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  1. Great picture! I love the clear colored pieces that show through. Looks like something our Lego creator would think up.

  2. My daughter fell in love with high school! She built worlds of Lego places and things. We bought them for her all the way through college. Last month, at 25, she bought herself a Lego Cake Pan and made her own birthday cake. I love it that in some ways she is still such a kid. She would admire this photo!
