Thursday, September 3, 2009


Several moments between 7:00-9:00am

I suppose I've been putting this off for a couple days because I don't think I can do it justice. Sending my child to kindergarten felt monumental, and it was important for me to be fully present. Being present = Not Behind the Lens. So, my shots are only so-so, my words here are only so-so, but my heart, oh my heart, is full and light and happy like a yellow balloon dotting an azure sky.

As we transitioned to kindergarten and preschool from relaxed summer living over the last several weeks, we were all business: buying supplies, making phone calls, meeting with the nurse and teachers, packing the backpack. Crossing things off The List. Check. Check. Check. That emotion-free approach forced the little yellow balloon to remain properly unaffected and captured, tucked safely away in the cavity of my chest. But seeing Jack walk in line with his class and give a little smile released the happiness. Seeing Charlie not even care I was in his classroom with him released the happiness. Such big boys, going out in the world.

And if you happen to see a yellow balloon all full and light and happy, that's me....ready to burst with pride.

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  1. Great first day collage! Hope every day has been great and a little easier for mom.

  2. How wonderful. So many mothers seem to have issues letting go. My kids were always so excited, that I was excited for them. I only struggled when the last one, my daughter, went to college. It wasn't pretty.
