Sunday, September 13, 2009



That's Charlie speak for spicy. My grandmother has had radishes displayed in every single crudités platter she has ever arranged, purely for color purposes. I was never a fan, and come to think of it, neither was anyone else because the perfectly sliced root with its crimson skin ever-so-gently bleeding into its stark white center remained untouched while carrots and peppers and broccoli and tomatoes and even cauliflower vanished before guests were called to the dinner table.

I have come around to them in recent years, and I'll even add them to my own crudités platter, even for just the display of color. Though there is something special and memorable in its bicyness. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the most simple things make for the best photos. I like radishes, but rarely eat them. I just saw a recipe somewhere that had them sauteed. It might be an interesting thing to try.

