Friday, August 28, 2009

In A Name


Last summer we ripped out our dingy, crumbling prison-block retaining wall, stone by stone, and replaced it with a gorgeous, flowing limestone piece of freaking art. Ok, fine, that *may* be a stretch, but the labor surely was a back knee-breaking science. I then promptly devoured several gardening books, spoke with local experts, perused miles of neighborhood yards, and made furious scribbling notes and lists as if I just took on the role of the Queen of England's Secret Garden landscape architect.

This was one of the first plants I put in my garden, and not because the scientific name is Tradescantia x Spiderwort, but rather because its other name is Sweet Kate. Is it like predicting a race winner based horse's name? Probably.

Good thing I don't work for the Queen. Posted by Picasa


  1. Sweet Kate! I need to plant some in my garden next to the Sweet William.

  2. Beautiful flower, great name!
