Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wedding Day


Unbelievable. I have at least one camera with me every day, two on most days. This was no exception. Megan and I went out to her absolutely gorgeous wedding grounds early in the morning to gather, cut, arrange hydrangeas. I took pictures of saturated stems, clear vases with crisp water lines, galvanized buckets with soft petals, fragrant roses boldly lining the perimeter. I took pictures of her family scurrying about with more efficiency than me on my second cup of coffee. I took pictures of the bride ordering lunch, eating lunch, her hair in pin curls at the nape of her neck. I took a pictures of her wedding dress, hanging in a dark room--and I couldn't do it justice. But, I Did.Not.Take.A.Picture.Of.The.Bride.And.Groom.

Two cameras, both in that dark room sitting with the wedding dress's hanger. All night. What a dreadful shame.
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  1. Despite missing the chance to capture the biggest part of the day's event, the shot of the flowers is lovely!

  2. Scratch the career as a wedding photographer.
