Monday, April 20, 2009


Easiest, least expensive gift to my kids ever: Matchbox cars. A couple years ago we painstakingly counted them out in official one-to-one correspondence fashion and hit somewhere in the mid-120s. It amazes me they haven't been duplicated, and maybe more impressive, is that Jack knows Every.Single.One. School just started a thematic unit on collections and Jack emphatically denied having one of any kind. Apparently, we need to find a new way to define this word because he's clearly is a candidate for this event. Too bad we don't have plans to visit Albuquerque in July.
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  1. I like this one with the other cars out of focus in the background. The picture reminds me of my son and his collection. So boy.

  2. Ever play parking garage? Or car parade? Two of the only ways I could handle playing cars. I don't get the crashing, chasing, squealing stuff (not male?), but I do enjoy a nice color coded, perfectly organized parking garage, or parade.

  3. There is nothing finer than being sprawled out on the floor with Jack and watching him play with his cars and garage. And, if you get the chance to interact, grab it because that is even more fun. He's so cool . . .
