Sunday, March 15, 2009



Well, here it is: the first weed of the year. Oh yeah, it's a freaking weed, but it's freaking green and that means something around here. There comes a point, usually sometime in late February after you've had some glorious teaser days that didn't stick, when you start to think this Isn't Going to Happen this year. That this is the year it's going to be winter for an additional twelve months. That we'll go from our upper 30s right back to the teens and precipitation measured in feet. That Target will cycle out Christmas stuff before we blink. But the weed breaks through, giving us hope. Even if it's the cockroach of the botanical world. We'll take it. Graciously.

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  1. That is the most beautiful weed I have ever laid eyes on.

  2. Call it Hope. Nice text with it, too. Very clever!
