Saturday, January 10, 2009

Uphill, Both Ways

We did two pretty fun things today, but I didn't feel like I could/should bring my camera to either. There is something to be said for being in the moment. Unfortunately, when you're behind the lens, you're not a participant. Birthdays, weddings, and Christmases are under-documented around here; I regularly rely on others to fill in the gaps.

So, I went to a Back Up Idea: John has been telling me about this strange guy tucked between a neighbor's evergreen and prairie grass well before we even knew of this project. It starting snowing about 10 seconds after I walked out the door. Framed it (and 6 others), shot it at 5.6, switched it to b/w, and posted it with very little to say. I wonder where he's going.
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  1. He is heading south for the winter.

  2. I'm always fascinated by that guy too. That backpack looks miserable. I think the man who lives in that house is from Europe somewhere (I heard him speaking with a funky accent one day). He is also the one who has all of those flags in the back yard.
