Friday, January 30, 2009



The condensation from the furnace exhaust created this unusual little ice formation on the side of our house. Hey, it's a slow day around here!

Could just be me, but with the light appearing as if it's glowing from within, I think it's a worthy component of the crystalline architecture in Superman's Fortress of Solitude. Who didn't want to pull out of one those memory crystals?

Shot this at 1/125, f/22, ISO 400. I'd probably bring that down if I could do it over. Click on this picture to enlarge it; the sparkle on top looks like I used a star filter.

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  1. Beautiful picture. That is really interesting to see. It looks a bit like an ice torch. (I totally thought of Fortress of Solitude too!)

  2. Nice catch -- it really does seem to glow.
