Wednesday, January 7, 2009


January 7, 2009
There are only a couple times a year I really considering moving from this house. Almost all of those moments occur in the winter. Well, there was that time in Spring 2003 with the bats living in the attic. One freed itself in the house at 3am and we had to Google "How To Get a Bat Out Of Your House at 3am" (on dial-up, no less) because we're fairly Type A and need to know the right way the first time, but I digress.....

Seriously, the backdoor is a huge moving factor for me. Rarely do you find a house circa 1917 with a mud room. So, we have four people, eight coats, three pairs of snow pants, nine hats, six pairs of boots/shoe combination, five scarves, one gator, a solid ten pairs of mittens, and a partridge in a pear tree all convening within 16" of stomping through the backdoor. I doubt it was a coincidence that I emailed our Realtor yesterday.

I took this on the Elph sans flash and used a kitchen stool as my tripod. The flash made all the reflectors on our gear shout out an assertive, "Hello there!" I forgot Charlie turned the camera on this morning and covered the entire lens with his fingerprint. Needless to say, this is far from tack sharp, but it is our messy, fingerprint-smudged, lovely life.

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  1. Even if you had a mudroom, you would probably still have the clutter. You would just have space for more stuff.

    I love all of your pictures so far this year!

  2. It's all the detritus of parenthood, mudroom or not!
